Displaying the most recent of 307 posts written by

Henrik V Blunck

Go Grab That Cash

My best advice for you this week is: Go Grab That Cash. In fact I have written an e-book on the subject. I described my e-book like this, and you need to get this e-book right away so you can earn money from this vital principle also:

Simplify Your Life

You could save lots of time if you focused on simplifying your life. When you simplify your life, you remove all obstacles that hinder your effectiveness.

Yes, You Could Earn Money Online

Sometimes people ask: “Can I earn money online?” My answer is always: “Yes, you could earn money online”, and usually I point their attention towards Amazon and Google. Then they object by saying that not all people end up with fortunes such as the guys from Google.

399 Spam Comments

I must be doing something right. I am getting attention from somewhere, because 399 spam comments came forward in less than a week. Akismet had properly sorted all of this, but still it was quite amazing to see a quadrupling of spam comments within a month.

Passing By WordPress Version 2.9

As you may have noticed, it took some time before I upgraded to version 2.9.2 of WordPress. There was a very good reason why I hesitated in moving away from version 2.8.6 of WordPress, and today I am going to tell you a bit about the major change since version 2.9 was introduced.

You Want Attention — Here’s How to Get it!

Let’s face it. You want attention, and often you may be wondering how to get it. Does this hit a sore spot with you? Read on, and discover the real key behind using social media.

How To Write Clearly

This article will deal with how to write clearly so you can achieve your goals. Whether it be coming across in an article database or creating a sales letter with impact. There are important key elements you need to come across loud and clear with your audience.

What Is Your Perception of Perfection?

When I say the word “perfection”, it wakes up certain thoughts in your mind. I could illustrate this in pictures. These four photos below are some ways some people visualize perfection:

Good Moral Standards

I just saw a video from a guy who brags a 50% CTR and 12% conversion rate by advertising on Google for Gmail. In it, he “revealed” how he targetted the key words “he wants a divorce” to sell 100 tips on how to save your marriage, indicating it would be highly targetted for those […]

Article Databases — Not Half Bad

There are several reasons why article databases aren’t half as bad as some people believe. Primarily you get exposed far more than only on your own blog. Furthermore you also get the advantage of being able to write 5 to 10 articles about a specific subject without needing to create a separate blog for your […]