How to BE An Effective Twitter…

I just sent this little poetic sentence on my English Twitter profile:

Why do some people Tweet so bad?
It seems so sad
when all they had
was a repetitive ad

It was strongly motivated by a review of the Twitter profiles I was following. I followed 14 people yesterday. Now the list is back to 10 people. “Why?” would you think…

It’s simple. The Twitter profiles that were just created to write short ads and no real backups on what people are doing are NOT interesting. As I have already written in my article “Being Non-Social on Social Networks?” you cannot build success on a social network if you don’t show yourself as a person.

There are many ingredients in good Tweets, and mainly the best are:

  • Content
  • Updates
  • Humour
  • Replies
  • Good questions

Actually all that is required is SHOWING AN INTEREST in other peoples’ lives. You do that by bringing value to the concept of short – and regular – updates on what MATTERS in your life. That’s what Twitter is all about.

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