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Take Action

Take action and begin building your success today. Don’t procrastinate any more. Your road towards success is to start the process. You can read all you want, but if you don’t make use of all the information you get, it’s worthless.

90% Will Never Succeed – Here’s Why…

90% will never succeed in making money online. In this article I want to focus our attention on something very important. It is CRITICAL to become succesful online. Do you know what is that single ingredient most people overlook besides taking action?

Good News Amid the Crisis…

There is just a little bit of good news. We have reached the point where half the month of April has passed, but already now Adsense income is at 63,82% of what it was compared with the entirety of March of 2009. Add to that the fact that March 2009 was the lowest since March […]

What Income Do You Want?

Let’s put you in a very special situation. You are at a job interview. I am your potential boss sitting in front of you. My first question to you is: “How much can YOU bring to our company?” What’s your reply?

Free Joint Venture — Carpe Diem…

Now is the time to seize the day [“carpe diem” is latin for seizing the day] if you want to get a free Joint Venture. I’ll extend a friendly hand to anyone that presents a good product and needs it marketed. I will review your product for free if you send a copy to me, […]

How To Gain a Following From Comments

In this article I want to explain to you how you can gain a following from leaving comments on other people’s blogs. What you must remember is to make comments that BRING value to readers. When you write on their blog, you are a guest. You should treat this activity as truly IMPORTANT to bring […]

The Secret Behind Making Money Online

Oftentimes you will hear people brag about various techniques they used that made them millions. More often than not you will discover that the techniques offered to you when you buy their e-book or video series will be much less effective. Why is that? Why do some people want to cheat you out of your […]

What You All Must Learn

Let me introduce a typical blogger and fellow Twitter-user whom I think COULD have potential, but you must all learn from the mistakes he did so you can do even better. On April 4th, 2009, this friend on Twitter wrote: I guess I don’t have the time for blogging anymore. I’ve in a year written […]

Earning Money During a Recession

Earning money during a recession takes a bit of creativity. Any fool can make money in a market that keeps growing. When a recession hits people become more conscious about the way they spend their money. Those who don’t will later be FORCED to become more conscious as they will realize you can’t spend your […]

You Wouldn’t Believe It Anyway…

I have heard many interesting questions during my life, and one of them came from a good friend a few days ago. He asked me about one of my recent e-books on the subject of earning money online (in Danish: “Tjen penge online“), and he said: “But you haven’t become a millionaire, have you?” The […]