Displaying the most recent of 307 posts written by

Henrik V Blunck

The Sky’s The Limit

The sky’s the limit, IF you are ready and willing to take good care of your online business. You CAN achieve good results if you accept good advice and take it to heart by implementing it in your personal business. But you MUST be prepared to LISTEN to the little details that could indeed make […]

Internet Marketers: Beware

As I originally wrote in my e-book “Making Sense of Internet Marketing Chaos” it’s sad to behold that some STILL commit the same errors. Recommending products far and wide within the select same 15 people. One big “old boy network” where opportunities are granted on a “person recognized” or “persona non grata” level — all […]

Twitter Tools

There are some very nice tools around that can make your usage of Twitter even more effective. I want to recommend a few of these so you can benefit from this also. In that way I can share what I found when I saw these programs, and hope you may benefit from these also.

Step By Step — Earning Money Online

Step By Step — Earning Money Online is the best online newsletter on earning money online you will ever get your hands on. You can have a unique chance to join a society of people who are truly SERIOUS about earning money online.


Being more productive is a key-factor if you want to increase your income. Already, many employers have long ago found that redesigning work procedures can work miracles in achieving improved performance for every salary dollar spent. Why should it be any different in your own business? Being self-employed means using self-discipline in the way you […]


Most would agree that making decisions is essential to running your own business. Have you asked yourself the question “How good am I at making decisions?” anywhere during the last couple of years?

Earning Money Online and Character

I found this quote very useful when it comes to discussions about value, pricing and income online: “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” Albert Einstein

It Ain’t Joint Ventures Nor Conferences

You may be wondering about the title, but the fact is that success and online traffic doesn’t depend upon either Joint Ventures or Conferences. Conferences may help bring about mutually beneficial joint ventures, but none of these would bring about success of and by themselves. You can conference with people who pad themselves on the […]

How to BE An Effective Twitter…

I just sent this little poetic sentence on my English Twitter profile: Why do some people Tweet so bad? It seems so sad when all they had was a repetitive ad

It’s How You Respond…

When I saw this quote I was motivated to write a few words to remind all readers that it is HOW WE RESPOND that defines how things go for us — true both on an individual and a collective level. See this quote: “In the final analysis, the questions of why bad things happen to […]