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Free E-book That Will Set Things Straight

In a hurry, then go straight to: Making Sense of Internet Marketing Chaos.

WebDesign Templates

If you’ve ever felt like you just didn’t have the extra time to sit down and create an actual website, you might find it rather useful to begin with a template. It isn’t the best way, but it’s the quickest way, and in the end winners are those who TOOK action.

The Defining Moment In Your History

Moving many of you into action is like trying to push a great truck. Virtually impossible for the majority, yet darn encouraging when the FEW who did take action move on to increasing success-rates in consecutive years.

Get To Know Joel Comm

Why not get to know the guy behind the Adsense Secrets 4.0 version e-book I have described here: http://www.blunck.dk/earning-money-online/?p=62?

Finding Your Passion

As you will have noticed on this blog, I do follow all the interesting videos, articles and books from Joel Comm, and thought this video was so thought-provoking I wanted to share it with you. I hope it may inspire you to see some of the points I have written about on my blog for […]

Why I Never Build Lists

On regular occasions I review my inbox for messages that are worthless. I have, in fact, created a folder in my mail programme (using Thunderbird on a MacBook) where I put mails on hold for future unsubscription.

No April Fool’s Day

I won’t fall for the temptation to announce anything today because as most of you are well aware news brought on April 1st has a tendency not to be believed. I have fallen for many of the bogus announcements in the past myself so I can fully vouch for the annoyment this creates.

Don’t Do As Everybody Else…

Sometimes, it pays to do things differently. Rather well, also. The funny part of it being that it took some time to get things started, and as everything is being set into place the wheels are turning FASTER than ever before. Webshop is down, all products being moved around and sites moved back and forth, […]

Think Yourself OUT of Poverty

Many believe in destiny. “I am destined for so-and-so” is a sentence we hear quite a lot. People believe in luck, fortune, fame etc.

Wanna INCREASE Your Revenue – Every Month?

“Of course, I do. Everyone wants to increase their income, so why am I asking you about that?” you may be thinking…