Don’t Work Anymore This Year

Shut down what you’re doing. Quit. Stop. Don’t work anymore this year. What you have done amounts to the actual results for the year 2008. You may have a few banner ads running the year out but take stock now. Whatever rolls in between now and 2009 can be checked when you take final stock on January 1st 2009. 🙂

Go to your Adsense account and see how much it all adds up to.
Go to your banner ads suppliers and count up all the months and see how much it all adds up to.
Check your PayPal, AlertPay and other online banking accounts to see how much you earned.

Write it all down on a piece of paper. Are you happy about the figure?

  • If yes, what was your growth compared with 2007?
  • If no, what are you going to do about it in the year 2009?

Let’s face the facts…
Now is the best time ever to take stock, read through this blog, become inspired, prepare next year by printing out some of the e-books you have considered selling for so long.
Go through your harddrive, and throw away everything that isn’t worth keeping. Don’t keep anything that isn’t going to work.

Remember this: your customers deserve the VERY BEST, and you must deliver the very best every single day of the year every year. Why not begin by becoming more effective so you can earn even more? That’s why the category “Bring Plans to Life” was created.

So do yourself a favour by carefully planning to take action next year. If you do you can experience the kind of growth that lies behind our enthusiasm for this money online industry. Remember to work in a niche where you love what you do. That way you get the best results.

Carpe diem, Happy holidays and a Happy New Year. Welcome back in 2009.

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