Akismet Against Spam

Akismet is your best friend in taking away the worst in spam. Without that plugin activated you will find that a dramatic increase in traffic will also be followed by a just as dramatic increase in spam and other nonsensical posts. Akismet rarely gets a false positive — a mail that isn’t spam isn’t identified as it, but is much rather put into the Comments Section you see at the top in your menu.

Activating Akismet

Just as intuitively as the rest of the WordPress system, you simply click Plugins, and you will find two or three plugins available in the window that appears. First you will see Akismet and the option to “Activate”. In order to do that you must freely register at the WordPress site. When you do you get a code you should enter to activate Akismet.

Akismet is totally free and once you have your activation code other similar plugins can be activated on other blogs as well using the same code. I have 9 blogs all running with the same code.

Writting Using Either the Visual or Code Modules

Some of you may have wondered about this, but the difference is pretty similar as if you are working in Notepad – plain text – or your word processor. In Code mode, you can enter html-codes, whereas you only focus on appearance, and can see it in WYSIWYG when you are in Visual mode.

The biggest advantage when working in the Code mode is that you can personally edit all the codes being used. You can control far more when you are already familiar with HTML coding principles.
You don’t have to be as technical to succeed in blogging but it’s nice to know what possibilities are available to you when you want to effectively master your WordPress blogging software.

Carpe Diem. 🙂

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