Klager inden 45 dage hos PayPal

Vi fik anbefalet noget supergodt musik fra vore franske venner, og da der kun var ét sted at få fat på dette troede vi os sikre på butikken når de bruger PayPal som betalingssystem. Paypal har nemlig tidligere været kendt som et fornuftigt sted, der trækker pengene tilbage hvis folk ikke får varen. Det skal vise sig ikke at være tilfældet i denne sag.

Efter gentagne mails til musikfirmaet, skrev jeg denne tekst på en webformular til PayPal:

Original Message Follows:
Form Message
customer subject: Unique Transaction ID #2W874188XU969411W has case closed.
I still haven’t received my goods.
customer message: Additional Information: ‘I opened a dispute because I
never received the goods involved. The case was closed because payment
happened over ## days prior to this. What to do?
Nothing happens when I try to contact Israel Music, and I paid for cd’s
long ago. Will you settle this case, please.’

Lørdag eftermiddag får jeg dette svar:

Dear Henrik Blunck,

Thank you for contacting PayPal in relation to opening a Buyer Dispute. We have reviewed the transaction in question and it is with regret that we are unable to open an immediate investigation into your claim. PayPals Buyer Complaint Policy allows buyers the opportunity to file a claim against a seller up to 45 days after the initial transaction. I am happy to offer you the reasons for this decision and will happily provide guidance for any future claims that you wish to make.

It was necessary to cap the time allowed to make a buyer claim to avoid the PayPal system being exploited for fraudulent means. It would be unfair to ask sellers to retain the type of information required for a Buyer dispute indefinitely. We feel that if no claim has been made a month and a half after the initial transaction then it is likely that no claim will be made.
This 45 day threshold should allow plenty of time to re-arrange delivery should the item have gone astray, and will also allow plenty of time for the buyer to test the item when received.

Ultimately no such policy is an adequate substitute for a constructive dialogue between you and the other person. I would suggest this remains your best option for a satisfactory outcome.

Please let me know if you need further assistance.

PayPal, an eBay Company

Det bedste råd er derfor at UNDLADE at bruge PayPal. Det er langt sikrere at bruge sit kreditkort for ifald du ikke får din vare kan du gå ned i din lokale bank og få dem til at trække beløbet tilbage. PayPal straffer folk for at prøve at finde en løsning med sælger først.

Indtil sælger har leveret som lovet og betalt for, er min anbefaling derfor IKKE at handle med Israel Music som har denne hjemmeside: www.israel-music.com.

Opdatering (9. februar) – Jeg fik for få minutter siden dette svar fra PayPal:

Dear Henrik Blunck,

Thank you for contacting PayPal. I appreciate the opportunity to assist you with your questions regarding disput.

Mr. Blunck we are sorry for the inconvenience caused, when you send a payment via your PayPal account, and you did not receive the item, , we advise our members to open a dispute for non receipt of the item, if they receive the item, and is not as described, we also request you to contact us, for us to contact your seller. You have 45 days from the date you send the payment to your seller to open a dispute with PayPal, and 60 days with eBay, if you bought your item on their website.

Even though disputes opened past the 45 day timeframe will not be addressed, we always encourage a dispute to be filed. The dispute will be documented in the record of the PayPal member whom the dispute is filed against. On review of your account, we show that you did file a dispute and that PayPal has notified the Seller of this dispute. However, this transaction dispute will not be opened because it was filed 45 or more days from the date of the original payment.

To see if this transaction is eligible under eBay’s Standard Purchase Protection, please go to

Learn how the dispute process works, with a step-by-step tutorial in the Resolution Centre by clicking on Resolution Centre tutorials.

Click https://www.paypal.com//bcp or copy and paste the entire link into the address bar to review the Buyer Complaint Policy.

Please let me know if you need further assistance.

Resolution Services Department
PayPal, an eBay Company

Så PayPal vil ikke fravige princippet selvom de dog *har* forstået, at varen ikke er modtaget…

About the author

Adm uddannelsesmedarbejder, uddannet IT-supporter. Inspirator i PMI (Positiv Mental Indstilling) som tror på vi sammen er stærkere, hvis vi opfører os anstændigt over for hinanden - uanset hvilke forskelle der måtte være mellem os som mennesker.
Tidligere biblioteksmedhjælper og før det uddannelseskoordinator, og aktiv TR mens jeg fungerede som stationsbetjent heroppe i Kalundborg.
Privat har jeg tre voksne børn i alderen 18-22.

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