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Helping PC-Users While Remaining on Your Mac

Microsoft has released a free programme that could truly help those of us who, though we are happy Mac-users, might still have friends who use the Windows operating system. The free tool is called “Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac” and you can download it from this location: http://www.microsoft.com/mac/downloads.mspx?pid=Mactopia_RDC&fid=803F9438-8DF3-490F-92C6-0E0F92787DB8#viewer.

2009 Will Bring LED Screens to All MacBooks

It was previously only the MacBook Pro that has this type of screen but from 2009 we will begin seeing that type of screen on smaller models also. You can read about this interesting novelty here: http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/08/05/21/all_apple_macbooks_to_use_led_backlighting_by_2009.html.

Increase Sales of MacOS Software

It is quite funny to watch how some software developers have NO sense of commercial thinking whatsoever. One example: I wanted to test the ability of one software programme to convert an original DVD movie for a format that could be watched on one of our iPods. This would have been useful for travels, train […]

The Best 100 WebApps

As any modern Mac-user will confirm online applications are golden. It is an amazing era we have entered now that we can finally reach tons of software application from the comfort of our own homes and our laptops.

No Need To Think of Security When Running MacOS?

You have no doubt heard the theory that when you have a Mac, security is no issue. You need not worry about anything. No viruses, no threats etc…. Have you heard this? Do you think it’s true? Well, this is a wake-up call for those of you who have heard that, because it’s FALSE!

Another One Loves Mac…

I won’t write anything on the day commonly known as “April Fool’s Day”, but wanted to share a video I found where this woman shares her love for the Mac.

24 Years Ago, the Apple Mac Was Introduced

This was the commercial that inroduced the Apple Macintosh Computer to the world. Even though the commercial is over two decades old it’s still crème de la crème. 🙂

First Joel Comm, and Now Also John Chow Accepts a Mac

As you can read on John Chow’s blog — accessible from: http://www.johnchow.com/apple-macbook-pro-still-a-mac/ — the number of happy Mac-users IS increasing.

Vulnerabilities in Some Browsers

When it comes to vulnerabilities in some browsers, the solution stays the same: update your software, please. 🙂

Never Rely Upon Computers for Safety

Although it seems to be rather sensational to some that Princeton University points out that encryption keys don’t work under either Windows Vista og on the Apple Mac at their website http://citp.princeton.edu/memory/ there is absolutely nothing surprising in that.