Looking Forward to Apple TV 4
It is no secret that I have long hoped to get an Apple TV where you could install apps that were relevant for you, and I wondered why Apple left the idea of a hard drive on the Apple tv as they introduced Apple TV2. Now, the fourth generation has been around for some time, and I have only heard positive comments from people who have bought the fourth generation Apple TV.
So I am going for the gold now. Even though I wasn’t all that keen on their new remote control, but that will be the smallest sacrifice when comparing with both the second and third generations.
I will be testing the functionality, and will keep you updated as I begin using it in the weeks ahead, so please stay tuned to read more about how this Apple TV actually works.
Have a nice day everyone – and please remember that you are more than welcome to comment on this blog. 🙂
[…] gengæld er jeg virkelig glad for mit Apple TV. Fjerde generation var der, hvor Apple TV virkelig blev RIGTIG godt. Jeg har tidligere prøvet både 2. og 3. generation. Det var da okay, […]
[…] I wrote the article Looking Forward to Apple TV 4 on May 22nd, 2018, I didn’t anticipate that it would take so long before I actually got one. […]