Stainless is an interesting browser – though unfinished, as they also say on the front page.
Quite honestly, I am rather fed up with all the falsehoods being spread about Apple Mac computers. People who haven’t given them any chance – or even tested any for free – have preconceived ideas that die hard.
The recent Microsoft commercials never quite caught the “raison d’être” of the Apple Macs, and why we love them. If you haven’t seen them, I will share them here in this blog article. But be prepared for a good laugh. None of the ads hit that special nerve that would ever convince me to go […]
If you’re hit by game nostalgia, and still had a pc running some form of DOS to run some of your old games, you might be able to trash your pc.
It is a very important question to consider why Google would ever develop their browser (Chrome) solely for the Windows operating system? Google seems rather supportive of open designs such as supporting also the Open Office system which is truly cross-platform. Open Office IS available for MacOS, Windows and Linux – as an example.