My Experiences with the Apple TV 4
When I wrote the article Looking Forward to Apple TV 4 on May 22nd, 2018, I didn’t anticipate that it would take so long before I actually got one. Now, I have had my Apple TV 4 just over a year, and I must say that I am very happy about it.
As I started using my Apple TV in June of last year, I noticed the HUGE difference from previous versions of the Apple TV. The ability to choose what apps you want on your multimedia unit IS a huge benefit, and if only the Apple TV 4 had come long before, I would have saved a fortune trying to do something similar with Android-based units.
The One Thing That Puzzles Me
There is one thing that puzzles me. In fact it annoys me. The fact that companies service iPad and iPhones before they support the Apple TV is a big surprise. I would have expected full implementation of the iOS operating system so that ALL apps would be available on the Apple TV.
Here in Denmark we have a national television and radio service that sends out their podcasts on a proprietary format called DR-Lyd. That app can be installed on both the iPhone and the iPad, but not yet on the Apple TV…
It is, of course, something that depends on that radio service completing their app development so it may be available. But nonetheless, when seen from a standpoint of app developers, it is NEVER a good idea to have more than one version of your app. The risk of mistakes being made rises as the number of versions increases.
But all in all, it’s a very good unit, and I am SO happy I finally made the decision to buy it.
If you have any experience using the Apple TV 4, you are more than welcome to leave a comment with your experiences. 🙂
[…] og det skal siges, at det dækker over streaming af både podcasts og tv-udsendelser via mit Apple TV4 samt det dataforbrug der ligger i mailtjek og surf på min […]
[…] en app – DR Lyd – for at kunne høre deres podcasts. En app, som ikke fungerer på Apple TV endnu, så DR har åbenbart nedprioriteret de iblandt os, som bruger Apple TV og kører lyden over […]
[…] DR Lyd fortsat ikke kan installeres på Apple TV, så er der ingen vej udenom at undvære de programmer, der overføres til dén platform… […]