There can be no debate about this: You want QUALITY when you pay the price of an iPhone. Apple has penetrated the market of the smartphone, especially among the younger audience. People want iPhone like never before!
From a branding perspective, Apple has been successful in getting their iPhone at the front of the line for people when they are to choose a smartphone.
From an economic perspective, it is, however, much less certain whether the new iPhone 7 is actually a new version or just a rewrap of the iPhone 6… Removing a jack from the design isn’t all that major a change so as to warrant the change in version number.
But iPhone users may see this differently. Any thoughts?
Update/September 18th: This evening I watched the movie Jobs starring Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs, and this movie reminded me indeed of the very purpose I was thinking of when I wrote this article. The original focus of Apple was to provide the best quality available on the market. Watching a movie all over again, repeats that lesson – and it can never be repeated too often. I welcome your thoughts in the Comments field 🙂