I Am Not Among The 77%

I can safely say I am not among the people using Microsoft Office on my MacBook. Microsoft claims they have a 77% market share among American Mac users [Source: http://www.macnn.com/articles/09/01/07/ms.on.office.apple.tax/]. An interesting number although I am highly doubtful as to whether that number would be identical for users outside of the US.

Most Mac users would know that the office suite OpenOffice can be downloaded and used for free, and can open and save in all Microsoft formats, and in fact even saves in the PDF file format directly. That could NOT be done for free in many of the earlier versions of Microsoft Office — and it’s free when you use OpenOffice…

To say it straight out: you get MANY advantages by choosing the FREE OpenOffice rather than the Microsoft Office suite. Why would you want to pay for something you can get legally for free?

Hurry over and download your copy of OpenOffice right away: http://www.openoffice.org/.

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