I was so happy this morning, because I received an e-mail from Janet who had written an article that was HIGHLY relevant for you, my dear readers of this blog. The title of the article is 100 Things to Do in France, and this could very well be THE article you want to read as you are planning your next vacation in France.
I highly applaud such e-mails. It is such a nice thing to be able to share useful information on a blog about the country I love and enjoy to visit.
Having my linguistic profile is a privilege as I can move around all countries where you speak either English, French or German, and it has helped me in many situations that I am quadru-lingual. You can NEVER learn too much in this life, and that is also true when it comes to sharing information I didn’t write myself.
I would never copy, but prefer to LINK directly to such information so you, dear reader, might also find other useful information on Janet’s site.
Have a nice day – and a Merry X-mas ahead. I hope you will find this inspiring too. 🙂
Hej Henrik,
Jeg faldt over dette indlæg i går, og tænkte at du måske kunne have interesse i at tilbyde hoteller via booking.com på siden.
Jeg har netop færdiggjort et indlæg om mine første 10 år med forsøg på indtjening på nettet. Måske er der informationer du kan bruge.
Tak for din kommentar, Jørgen. 🙂
Jeg har da lavet rav i mit system siden jeg først ser din kommentar nu. Det må jeg lige have rettet – og rigtig god ide. Tak.
Håber det har været en god påske hos dig.