Selv John Reese kan tage fejl

Selv en guru som John Reese kan opleve at tage fejl. Det gjorde han med sit projekt “Blogrush” som han beskrev det her på siden

BlogRush didn’t grow without its fair share of problems — from security issues to abusive users trying to ‘game’ the system to much lower click-rates than expected. We also had some problems with trying to fairly control the quality of the network, and in the process made many mistakes in deciding what blogs should stay or go. All of these issues, ultimately, limited the service’s full potential.

Så det er ikke kun nybegyndere der kan lave fejl, og dette kan du tage som opmuntring til aldrig at tvvle på, at det kan betale sig at afprøve sine ideer: John Reese fortsætter nemlig med disse ord:

Last but not least I want to say that I hope the failure of this service doesn’t in any way discourage other entrepreneurs from coming up with crazy ideas at 4AM (like I did with this one) and from “going for it” to just try and see if something will work. Without trying there can be no success. And as we all know, ideas are worthless without action. The Web wouldn’t be what it is today without entrepreneurs trying all sorts of crazy ideas.

Dermed et ønske om en god weekend til alle, der følger bloggen. 🙂

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