iPad Review: Is The iPad Right For You?
As regular readers will have noticed when I wrote the recent article about the Apple TV, I also bought an iPad. Since this was prior to the release of the new iPad (3) on March 7th 2012, it was an iPad 2.
I am happy I got this iPad because it has exactly the features I also enjoyed with the iPhone 4 – and then some…
First of all the screen is excellent. In fact this review is written on exactly that iPad. You need a bit of adaptation to get used to the keyboard, but rather quickly you begin to write much faster. The one irritating feature is that you need to be careful with your fingers. When you are writing a comment using the Facebook app, you need to be careful if you hit the screen outside the comment box. If you do, you will have to rewrite your comment. It isn’t stored locally – it’s lost.
That is, obviously something decided upon by the app developer, but the consequences of hitting the wrong area on the screen are annoying nonetheless…
But the integration with other Apple equipment is amazing. When you want to run a slideshow you can do this right to your Apple TV without any cables. It looks amazing to be able to review your videos on a 32″ screen before you release your videos on YouTube…
Therefore my verdict is clear: if you need a good and versatile tool that can virtually replace a laptop, I would go with the iPad. Four out of five stars for good design, a powerful processor and excellent apps. The price IS a hindrance for some, but it’s well worth the investment you put into buying the iPad.