Don’t Put All Eggs In the Same Basket

When it comes to earning money online, it’s important to say you should never put all eggs in the same basket. Systems come and go all the time. If you rely on one single line of online income, you are bound to get burned once it disappears. It happens all the time. People rely on banners or ads from one single publisher, and when that publisher goes down, YOU are at the losing end.

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Banner Blindness – Don’t Believe All You Hear

Banner blindness was introduced as a term by the people who wanted to make you believe Google Adsense was the only way ahead. It is indeed a good way to earn money, until Google chooses to shut you down. But there is a far better way. The key to success is placing RELEVANT ad banners for your audience.

Whether you choose Amazon ads or other relevant banners, the key is relevance. Once you bring ads for things that are interesting for your readers, you are matching needs with opportunity.

This is Marketing 101.

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TextBroker – Unique Opportunity for US Citizens is a fantastic opportunity for freelance authors. Unfortunately, the only hurdle for us is that they only cooperate with US citizens. So if you are British, Australian, Canadian or some other type of English author living outside the US, this isn’t for you.

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Sell Your E-books

There is no magic in writing an e-book. It’s actually just combining a lot of words into a certain context. The important aspect is in SELLING your e-book.

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Five Years Later…

Having written this blog for more than five years now, I still am amazed at how much some gurus never changed in this business. I began in June of 2007, and back then some could have been excused for not knowing any better. But many persist running the same tricks over and over again.

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The Role Security Plays In Your Online Earning Potential

There is some debate about the the security plays in your online earning potential. Some think it is unimportant as they trust the sheer VOLUME of traffic to offset any security weaknesses, whereas others make the valid point that even small security issues could destroy your entire online earning potential.

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New Strategy Needed

As regular readers alredy know, my Google Adsense account was shut down. My regular income from this area, and all accrued yet unpaid earnings were gone – without any possibilities for any appeal since Google could never make any mistakes. The suspicion of potential click is enough, and if YOU use Adsense as part of your online income then YOUR income is in danger too.

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Thinking In New Ways

In continuation of the previous article, I would like to make one important point today. Thinking in new ways can provide the very best value for your time once you start thinking outside the box. As I have mentioned before, running Adsense ads can be so rewarding that you end up being a bit lazy.

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Google Adsense

I have been running Google Adsense ads for more than seven years – without any single black hat tricks used on any site whatsoever. Nevertheless, I too have now seen my account disabled because of potential violations. Potential violations?

Get real, for heaven’s sake!

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Earning Money Online – Facebook CAN Bring Money to You

When I wrote the article “Let 2012 Be Your Year of Success” I wrote something special about Facebook that you very probably overlooked. I wrote:

many have forgotten this because they waste too much time playing with their Facebook games to even notice. You need the right focus on social media, but don’t let it become a waste of time and energy. Make a concentrated effort of announcing new blog articles, but get the ball rollin’ by also getting involved on Twitter.

I had anticipated comments to that post, but I want to rectify ONE very important thing many readers may have overlooked.

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