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SoMe – Social Media

Three types of Twitter Users

I feel there are three general types of Twitter users. I know there is some generalizing in dividing people into groups, but I think you will agree after reading this article. I feel the majority would belong into one of these three types of Twitter users — call them groups if you wish:

Do You Know The Background of Twitter?

There are several ways you can learn more about the background of Twitter. I would suggest one of the following methods: Articles A Video Coming Soon in a bookstore near you: “Twitter Power” by Joel Comm

Twitter Tools

There are some very nice tools around that can make your usage of Twitter even more effective. I want to recommend a few of these so you can benefit from this also. In that way I can share what I found when I saw these programs, and hope you may benefit from these also.

How to BE An Effective Twitter…

I just sent this little poetic sentence on my English Twitter profile: Why do some people Tweet so bad? It seems so sad when all they had was a repetitive ad

Twitter IS Great Fun…

Twitter is great fun, as many of you will have discovered by now. Regular updates tell us quite a bit about what online friends are doing all over the globe. Initially I couldn’t really see the idea behind all of this Twittering, but now – after having tried it for a few months – I […]

Free Twitter Report

Twitter is one of the fast growing “micro-blogging” services and social networking all wrapped into one. After some bumpy roads and strong growing pains, people have begun to realize that Twitter allows hyper-connectedness and an interesting way to express “what you’re doing” at any given time. It seems to be on the fast track now […]

Social Networks

Many of us are members of far more networks than many of us can even remember. If you are anything like myself you get regularly reminded about networks you became a member of when they send out updates as to what has happened.

Facebook Social Ads — The New AdWords

The e-book “Facebook Social Ads — The New Adwords” can help you in finding a whole new niche within the networking service Facebook. You will get inspiration to finetune your business and you could very well make a considerable amount of money from using the tips and tricks from this book in your own online […]