Where You Want to Go – Part 1

In this week, we will concentrate on the following points:

  1. What is your current revenue?
  2. Are you making money online now?
  3. What has worked well for you?
  4. What has worked less than perfect?
  5. What have you learned in the process?

What Is Your Current Revenue?
Have you reached four figures per year? Are you still trying to reach the first Google Adsense payout? How does the current goal reached mean to you? Have you set new goals in relation to what you have already reached?

Do these four questions inspire you?

They should.

You must reach the four figures before you can move on to five figure income – and six- and seven figure incomes make it even more fun to be in business.

Targets are based upon current results, and reaching new goals depend upon your current traffic.

Let’s say you have one thousand visits to your blog per day. That adds up to maybe 25-30,000 impressions per month. If you had even a poor Adsense implementation you should at least have a 1-2% CTR, Click Through Rate.

If we said your current income per click was 0.15$ you would only be earning between 37.5-90$ per month.

If you began reading the free e-book Adsense Secrets, you could change that 1-2% CTR rate to between 5-8%, and that would mean a monthly income between 187.5-360$.

How would the extra 300$ change your perspective?

If you even linked to your own e-book you were selling at maybe 5$ and had even the small CTR of 1% you could be earning between 1,250-1,300$. Even if you didn’t have your own e-book yet, you could run an affiliate link where you had a similar commission per sale.

You want to bring plans to life, and TODAY can be a new beginning.

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