Do You Attract Buyers?

Have you asked yourself what type of visitors you attract? Freebie-seekers or buyers? Which should you prefer? And why?

If you have produced an e-book you want to spread as widely as possible, you want VIRAL elements. Release it as a freebie and people will be attracted to it…. You can earn quite a few bucks by having affiliate links in such free e-books, but you might be losing quite a few visitors to your site if you’re not the author of the product.

“What do you mean?” you’re probably thinking. Stay tuned to hear more. When an author produces an e-book he (or she) wants to get widely distributed, there’s often a website included with identical texts that people put up to present the e-book. What happens to all this duplicate content? Search engines may pick any guess as to what was the ORIGINAL posting of the landing page, and chances are that you will never get listed. So even though you’ve run a “rebrander” to brand your own links into the product, you won’t ever get any real traffic.

Unless you change the text included. Edit the text and make sure you get new text uploaded so YOU can score well for the product. I have done this previously with one product that was on sale for 6.99$. Five or six minor edits to the sales page generated 55 sales within 2 weeks. Not any fortune, but the lesson stayed with me, and I often use it for further inspiration.

Results can improve far more than that, but you have to use creativity to GET your audience attracted to what you have to offer. Only just recently some of the advertisements links have begun to attract advertisers, and that is certainly nice. It’s passive income — everything is administered by a system that ensures I get paid without having to do any extra effort. I even get the option of cancelling their campaign if someone doesn’t abide by what I would consider serious criteria. Very nice indeed.

So you CAN attract buyers, but you must IDENTIFY what you’re selling. Otherwise it’s just the blind leading other blind people. Will keep you all posted on earning money online. Have a nice weekend everyone. 🙂

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