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Apple IS Right On This One

It is widely discussed whether it was correct of Apple to refuse to abide by a court order to unlock the San Bernardino Shooter’s iPhone. The creation of a backdoor could nullify Apple’s unique position with a secure operating system for their mobile phones. Obviously! Why would the Feds even need to go by a […]

Error 53 – You’re In Trouble!

When you do a search for error 53 iphone on Google, you quickly notice this is a problem that a lot of users are having. On one Danish website, it seems that it might be connected with a self-authentication routine run by iPhones when you start up your phone. If you have had someone else […]

This Blog Is Back

As some of you may have noticed, this blog was down for quite a while. Whether it was a database error or a software issue, I can’t say. My domain seems to be the only place where this happened. I have searched for a solution for quite a while, and hoped I could have solved […]

Perfection Comes With a Price

It is quite fun to discuss prices, because one of the biggest assumptions against Apple products is the price level… Perfection comes with a price, and you can’t get a Rolls Royce at the price of a Nissan. Nothing wrong with a Nissan car. Please don’t misunderstand. 🙂

Apple 5c and 5s – What’s Going On?

The recent release of iPhone 5c and 5s is surprising to say it mildly. I have read Isaacson’s biography on the late founder, Steve Jobs, and I must say I didn’t see this one coming. iPhone 5c may attract a market that couldn’t previously choose to buy an iPhone. But was this step the right […]

New Apple Headquarters

I really loved this video showing Steve Jobs presenting the plans for a new headquarters campus in Cupertino. I am sure all readers will also like watching this, so I wanted to share this today.

In Memory of Steve Jobs

As any Apple fan will admit, Steve Jobs WAS Apple.

Welcome to Yet Another Year

2013 has arrived. All speculations about Mayan calendars ending on December 21st 2012 have ended. I am among the most curious as to how Apple sales went this past Christmas-season, because there have been very different signals coming from Apple headquarters since the demise of founder Steve Jobs.

Seasonal Greetings to You All

At this time of year, I think it only fair first of all to ensure this blog was fully up-to-date by updating to WordPress 3.5, and also wishing all of you the best seasonal greetings.

Somehow You Must Love Spammers!

I can’t help but feel a bit sorry for people who waste their time sending ridiculous comments to a huge number of blogs, because it indicates two things: A lot of blog owners running WordPress apparently forget running Akismet, because somehow these auto spam providers must gain access to blogs somewhere since they keep trying […]