Online Audiobooks

Today, the article you are about to read isn’t specifically directed at earning money online. It is more a question of knowing how to get leisure time implemented into your everyday lives through the addition of audiobooks to your listening experience.

If you’re anything like myself, you probably enjoy reading actual printed books. When I buy e-books, I normally print them immediately, and then read the text as any normal book, primarily because I have been too skeptical to invest in an actual Kindle from Amazon. Most probably because it has annoyed me that most e-books available on requires that you are a UK customer…

However, the best part of audiobooks through Audible [available on either or]] is that you can download e-books in audio format, and then transfer your audiobooks to mobile units such as your iPod, iPhone or other mobile device.

My enthusiasm is not based on any affiliate income from advising you about Audible. I might apply for an affiliate account in the future, but right now, it’s simply to share information with you that you might find very useful yourself. Audible is owned by Amazon which certainly explains why this solution IS professional, indeed.

I like simplicity, and the reading aloud is done with a very crisp and clear voice, and this is very much appreciated.

So if your excuse for not reading some lengthy book has been an issue of time, or you travel a lot, then you might want to look at Audible because you can get it read while you take a walk with your dog, or when you are on an airplane or in the train to your workplace – or even transferred from your mobile device to your car radio if you have a bluetooth radio installed in your car.

Have a nice day – the next article will directly relate to earning money online. I just had to share this immediately. 🙂

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