Earning Money Online By Blogging

I now want to start a small mini-series on how you succeed in earning money online by blogging. In this first article I want to focus on a very special thing – in fact the easiest when it comes to maintaining a WordPress blog. That element is to keep your WordPress blog updated.

How Often Should You Update Your WordPress Software?
You should update as often as possible. Every time a new version is released there are two obvious advantages to updating:

  1. Security issues solved. When a new version is released new bugs have been fixed, and you get the benefit of increased functionality – but always backwards compatible within reasonable timeframes.
  2. New files on your domain. One of the extra benefits is also that you get lots of updated content on your site. What may appear identical has huge benefits when it comes to Search Engine Optimization.

But more than this, the extra functionality is always the most important reason for updating. New versions bring an updated control panel (the so-called “Dashboard”) and the huge benefit of updates for optimizing your database and the relationship with the files in your tables. Sometimes you will see that the database has to be updated before you can use the dashboard, and such optimization can benefit your blog load time quite considerably.

Next article will focus on plugins – what to install, and what you should stay away from… Stay tuned. 🙂

One Response to “Earning Money Online By Blogging”

  1. […] continuation of the article Earning Money Online By Blogging, I promised an article about plugins you need for your blogging experience using […]

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