Content IS King

We all know the principle that content is king. This is true for any blog. Keep updating with new and valuable content, and people will come back to get more of what you are sharing. But what do you do when you have prime content, and noone visits your blog? Since content is king, it should also rise in search engines, and this is where many fall short.

You need to think outside the box, and that includes delivering your content through many sources. Some concepts need a video, and that might frighten you, but why should that be so? You can easily create a video using your webcam on your computer or maybe create some screendumps that you insert into a presentation stored on YouTube. Thinking outside the box means looking at new sources and new media to fit into the framework of your blog.

It might not hit the top 10 in search engines, but then you need to link to your content in signatures in forums or articles you write in newsgroups. Don’t settle with Facebook or Twitter alone. Make sure you TARGET the people who will be actively interested in what you are sharing.

Get 1,000 people to read your article who are really interested, and you will get far better results than trying to target people who might only be looking for inspiration. Buyers are everywhere, but you must COMBINE the concept of content is king with the right type of marketing. Make it easy for people to get your content by providing a RSS-feed button in a highly visible position. That one button will do miracles instead of having to rely upon search engines and maybe even a costly AdWords experiment that could cost you hundreds of dollars before you learn how to do it right.

What are your thoughts about blogging? Do you enjoy reading this blog? What has been useful to you? What should be improved? Let me get some feedback – as I want to provide exactly the content you are missing, because on my blog YOU are king too. Stay well, and seize the day.

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