PageRank vs. Time Since Blog Was Launched

PageRank was something you built over time – pagerank is no longer updated. But there are other important points in the article, which is why I have kept this article online. For some blogs this is a quick process, for others it is a much longer process. For those who have wondered about how to improve your PageRank there are two obvious things you must remember:

  1. Getting backlinks more efficiently
  2. Updating your blog with longer articles

Step By Step – Earning Money Online
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You don’t have to write entire epistles to have longer articles, but you should allow your explanations to be complete in each article. You can’t rely upon people clicking back and forth to get the entire picture. You should present a complete explanation in one article. Treating articles as separate entities will allow you to link between these at a later time, but generally your articles should be able to stand on their own.

Getting Backlinks More Efficiently
When you do find good article databases, getting articles on that system can do wonders for your pagerank.

Let’s say you sell an e-book on avoiding divorce – like I do.

The title of that e-book is “Preventing a Divorce“, and you can see it right here:

How would you increase your marketing focus on such an e-book?

What I did was I created a hubpage entitled “What You Need To Know About Marriage to Avoid Divorce“, and then I wrote some three or four articles on EzineArticles with a link to the e-book in my resource box.

What do you think happened after just this small effort?

Sales increased from a dozen sales to 74 sales. That is SIX times the sales I had previously for that ONE product!

Imagine the effect once these articles and my hubpage continues to bring traffic… I might be selling a hundred extra copies without having to do anything. Completely passive income.

But when you DO continue to market your product, the effect increases, and all of a sudden you end up discovering that article marketing actually works.

Updating Your Blog Regularly
Keeping your blog updated regularly ensures your readers get new information. Maybe one article doesn’t interest them all that much, but when your next article is just around the corner, they have something else worth anticipating. This keeps your readers constantly interested in your content.

So breathe life into your blog, and see it grow. You will be glad you made the effort. Before you know it your figures will start to grow, and like a grain of mustard seed it just takes a bit of watering to get it growing. The way to do that with a blog is to keep it alive.

Carpe diem. 🙂

Step By Step – Earning Money Online
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