What Twitter Never Told You About Changing Your User Name

Twitter brings you good value in many ways. But there is one thing Twitter never tells you about changing your user name. Do you know what that ONE thing is? Do you THINK you know? Would you LIKE to know?

Some people change user names quite often, and it’s a big hassle. You lose sight of who your fellow Twitters are, and you risk losing a lot of people who followed you.

Let’s take my own example. I had a user name on Twitter called “h_blunck“. After reading Joel Comm’s book “Twitter Power” I decided it would be better to have two user names “henrikblunck” for tweets in English and “henrikblunck_dk” for Danish tweets. I changed “h_blunck” into “henrikblunck“.

What I hadn’t really considered was the fact that I already linked to the previous user name from many sources. Furthermore, I had some settings that published a tweet every time I wrote another article on many of my blogs. Those would be LOST if I didn’t KEEP the old user name also.

What you should do? You should KEEP your existing user names once you have built a following, and then link to new user names. Maintain separate tweets on both accounts and keep things distinct one from the other. If you change your user names too often people will STOP recognizing you, and that could be detrimental to your online presence.

So keep your Twitter power and presence by doing things the right way. Good luck. 🙂

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